Friday 23 July 2010

Can An Online Community For Morden Be Developed?

That's the challenge.

A search on Google for "blogs in Morden" returns about 970,000 results - more than any sane person would ever want to trawl through. Similarly, a search by the Morden area on LoadedWeb doesn't return anything (although at the time of writing this blog is pending review).

Twitter is proving equally difficult but for different reasons, e.g. the word Morden may actually mean something in other languages, there are other places in the world called Morden, some users prefer to refer to nearby areas such as Wimbledon. However, I feel some progress is slowly being made by consistently using the #Morden hashtag and by retweeting relevant local news. So hopefully over time @Mordonian could become a reasonably comprehensive and credible repository for all things Morden.

Meanwhile if anyone else blogs about Morden I'd love to hear from you. It would be interesting to see if it is possible to build a strong online community for the Morden area.

Sunday 11 July 2010

Not Quite Morden But Close Enough

In one of my recent rants I mentioned that other parts of London, e.g. Camden, are do far better when it comes to creating a buzz about the place. Well, move over Camden, now south London shows that we can do it too!

Next Sunday in venues around the Wimbledon areas a range of live gigs will kick off under the heading "Wimbledon Calling". It follows the Camden Crawl model where one ticket lets music fans to combine a good old fashioned pub crawl with live music experiences.

I know this isn't quite Morden but it's certainly close enough, and it's certainly worthy of a mention on here!